Corrugated Industry Curricula
ICPF has been updating and revising our Corrugated Industry Curricula to better fit the needs of you and your students. Now available, the new curricula can be incorporated into your lessons and courses. Please use any and/or all the information as an opportunity to educate students on the corrugated packaging industry and the many benefits and opportunities that exist from choosing a #CareerInCorrugated.
The course material provides a comprehensive overview of the corrugated packaging industry with details on production, design, performance specifications, testing processes, and corrugated’s role as a high tech, high performance, renewable, recyclable and sustainable packaging choice.

We encourage our University Partners to use the ICPF Corrugated Curricula Master File to access 101 and 102 Corrugated Basics Videos with Quizzes and Answer Keys (This modified and updated content was originally created by AICC – The Independent Packaging Association. New videos are in the works and will be available in 2024), and additional resources including an industry fact sheet, worker testimonial videos, glossary of packaging terms, machine primer resource showcasing equipment used in today’s packaging industry, carton style resources and more. Please note – this curricula is Copyrighted © by the International Corrugated Packaging Foundation. No portion may be reproduced in any form without permission.
University Awards Program
ICPF’s University Awards Program provides funding to colleges and universities with the intent to help maintain, grow or enhance your packaging or related programs. To date, ICPF has donated over $12.5 million in corrugated equipment at our partner institutions. In 2023, ICPF generated renewed interest and engagement from our partnering educational institutions through the University Awards Program. A total of 10 universities submitted requests for funding totaling $1,244,624 that included equipment for packaging design and graphic media printing, state of the art research materials, and resources to support packaging faculty and grow coursework. The ICPF Board approved five proposals that will receive funding in 2024. See the guidelines for you institution’s proposal below:
- ICPF will accept proposals through September 1, 2024 for the next calendar year.
- Proposals should be for larger requests, generally over $25,000, and may include requests for equipment or software donation, resources to maintain or grow corrugated packaging or related programs.
- Include details of your proposal, a timetable of completion, relevant program enrollment, annual number of graduates with printing/packaging-related degrees.
- Please include any past participation in ICPF programs and/or previous awards received from ICPF (for recording purposes).
- Please limit to 1-3 pages.

Sponsorship Requests
In addition to the University Awards Program, ICPF is accepting sponsorship requests year-round to help grow your students’ exposure to the corrugated packaging industry. Consider submitting your request to continue to grow the corrugated workforce now and into the future. Keep the following details in mind:
- ICPF will accept sponsorship requests year-round for funding opportunities.
- Sponsorship requests should be smaller request and may include any initiative that will enhance student exposure and/or education to the corrugated packaging industry.
- ICPF will evaluate each request and determine availability for funding on a case-by-case basis.
Scholarship Opportunities
Students currently pursuing an academic path related to a career in the pulp, paper, or corrugated industry have the opportunity to take advantage of a variety of scholarship opportunities through AICC – The Independent Packaging Association, TAPPI, PMMI, the Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP), and more. Explore the following scholarship options to help those students interested in a #CareerInCorrugated take their education to the next level:
- AICC – J. Richard Troll Memorial Scholarship
- TAPPI – William L. Cullison Scholarship
- TAPPI Corrugated Packaging and other Technical Scholarships
- Recycled Paperboard Technical Association Scholarships
- Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP) Scholarships
- Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) Scholarships
- PMMI Foundation Scholarships